New Building Development
Welcome to our exciting new building which has been purchased and is undergoing a complete re-development from April to August 2021. Click here to see where we are.
Following an extensive neighbourhood survey in 2020, our intention is to work together with the local community to provide activities such as:
- A base for social activities and will have two rooms available to hire
- A drop-in coffee bar operated by church volunteers who will welcome local people in during the mornings
- A place for children and families to come and enjoy a range of activities put on by the church family
- A homework club with wifi access and support
- A senior citizen’s club facility
- An expanded youth work for the young people in the area
The total project costs including the original purchase, survey and fees will be in the region of £425,000. Half of that is already paid for when we ‘moved in’. The rest is needed to re-develop the site. If you think you can help by giving a gift towards the project and to help fit out the facility we would really welcome your partnership - you can give on-line clicking on the 'button' below or you can contact us using the contact us page and someone will get in touch with you.
We are very grateful for the generous gifts of our members and the wider community. If you would like to contribute towards making the new centre a reality £5 would buy 7 mugs, £10 would buy a cutlery drawer organiser, £25 would buy a storage shelving unit, £50 would buy a chair, £100 would buy a vacuum cleaner or £200 would buy a coffee machine (and there’s plenty more besides).
We also have some fundraising activities taking place to find out more click here
The plans and photos show the transformation that will shortly be underway. The following will be available:
- Two rooms approximately 60m² and 75m² for hire with separate entrances
- A coffee lounge area in the front room
- A revamped welcome foyer
- A kitchen
- A small office
- Disabled access and toilets
- Storage
Artist's impression of new-look front (click on picture to enlarge)
Plan of new-look front (click on picture to enlarge)
Floor plan (click on picture to enlarge)
Plan of new main entrance from Grove Road (click on picture to enlarge)
Here are some photos of where the project has got to so far (click on the pictures to enlarge)...
We hope this will become a hub for us to serve the community more effectively. Our thanks already go to the Norwood and Newton Settlement, the Beatrice Laing Trust, the Allchurches Trust and to the many members of the church who have given over so many years to make this project a reality. Please come and join us.
We also acknowledge with gratitude the support of the Garfield Weston Foundation in helping this re-development project.
Thanks, too, to the Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust for their support. Please visit their website for more detail about their work and their Ride and Stride event on 11th September 2021.